Online Privacy: It Doesn’t Exist | Denelle Dixon | TEDxMarin
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(Editor’s Note: This is one of the most impactful examples of why we are implementing a user credibility system that holds people accountable for what they say online. Hiding behind an anonymous troll mask is not acceptable and can easily be mitigated by incentivizing users to be accountable. No mother should have to experience this because of “platform anonymity”.)

Who really gets harmed when social media says “share everything”? Chief Business and Legal Officer at Mozilla, Denelle Dixon spearheads Mozilla’s business, policy and legal activities in defence of an open, transparent and commercially sustainable Web. She leads Mozilla’s team responsible for negotiating partnerships and revenue relationships that ensure Mozilla’s sustainability. Denelle has been a vocal advocate for encryption, the disclosure of vulnerabilities by governments and greater user choice and control.

Denelle was an outside advisor to Mozilla for several years before joining as Associate General Counsel in 2012. Denelle’s experience prior to joining Mozilla includes working at UK-based private equity firm Terra Firma on brand issues and risk assessment, as well as managing Yahoo!’s legal team advising on products, human rights, antitrust and litigation issues.

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