Resources with tag: data

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How Shady Companies Guess Your Religion, Sexual Orientation, and Mental Health

Resource Type:
Article (Media) - Slate
Last week, I testified in a congressional hearing on the subject, which ended up being a strongly bipartisan discussion of an underexplored privacy problem that affects hundreds of millions of Americans. U.S. data brokers surreptitiously gather and sell personal information ranging from people’s health and mental health conditions to their income and credit score, political affiliation…

‘Sparks of AGI’ – Bombshell GPT-4 Paper: Fully Read w/ 15 Revelations

Resource Type:
YouTube Indy Channel Video - AI Explained
At 10:48 in the video, he introduces "Part 13 - Data Admission" and quotes a section that states that people may/will want the ability and right to decide which data/content the AI can crawl and use in it's training and modeling.